New Beginnings

New Beginnings. What does that mean? It is a term I’ve heard many times over the years. I’ve even seen a church with that same name. You hear athletes say, time and time again, how they feel like they have a new beginning, when they start playing for a different team. When you start a new job, doesn’t it feel like a new beginning? What does it mean to have a new beginning?

A Remake

A new beginning actually gives you an opportunity to remake yourself into the person you desire to be, or at least into a closer version than you already are. What do so many of us do at the beginning of a new year? We make a New Year’s resolution. We resolve to go to the gym more often. To eat more healthy. To be more assertive, to stop procrastinating, or a number of other things. All of which have to do with helping to remake ourselves more into the person we desire to be. There are a number of friends I grew up with, where somewhere along the line, they did a remake of themselves. They realized what, in life, was important to them, and made the necessary changes. Some even going as far as moving out of state for a totally new start.

The Apostles New Beginnings

If you talk about new beginnings, I don’t think there is a better example of a new beginning than the apostles in the Bible. For those that know the story, Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, and the disciples were scared, and did not know what to do. They actually left him and fled. All of them. Even Peter, the one on who Christ said he would build his church, denied three times that he even knew Jesus. The hope the disciples had in Christ was destroyed when he died on the cross. Although Jesus had spoken about his death and resurrection, they never really understood what he was talking about.

Scared And Confused

The disciples were gathered in a closed room, confused and afraid. To me, and this is just my opinion, it was like they were in hiding. Well, there were afraid of the jewish leaders, so they probably were trying to hide. Realize though, that most of the apostles ended up being killed as martyrs for preaching the gospel. Of the twelve, only Judas and John were not put to death for their faith. Judas committed suicide after betraying Christ, and John, although he was not put to death, he was exiled to the island of Patmos for his faith. This is where he wrote the Book of Revelation.

What Happened?

So what happened though? How were they remade from being afraid, and in hiding, to being bold and willing to face death for the gospel?

A Spiritual Resurrection?

Many years ago, I read an article in a popular magazine, where the writer of the article said the resurrection of Jesus was not a physical resurrection, but a spiritual one. He was saying that Jesus did not actually physically resurrect from the dead. I’m not sure why, but that article really bothered me. What if Jesus did not physically rise from the dead? His resurrection is the foundation of the Christian faith. I actually started to have doubts. Now I knew deep down that Jesus’ resurrection was physical, but I needed to see something that would give reassurance for myself. I needed that. So I did what anyone should do if they have doubts about different aspects of their faith. I prayed. I prayed that God would open my eyes to what I was missing. It was a few days later when it hit me like a bolt of lightning.

The Boldness Of The Twelve

The disciples went from being afraid, after the death of Christ, to boldly preaching the gospel, even at the risk of death. What caused such a drastic change? They saw the risen Christ! That’s what the change was. They not only saw him, but he was with them for 40 days, before he ascended into heaven, teaching them. Before he ascended, he gave them the Great Commission as outlined in Matthew 28:16-20, where Jesus commissioned them to make disciples of the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Would You Die For A Lie?

You see, people may be willing to die for what they believe to be true, but nobody is willing to die for what they know to be false. If the disciples had not seen the risen Christ, they would have known that he was not who he said he was, but they did see the risen Christ, so they knew what he said was true.

In Conclusion

There are many things we may not be satisfied with regarding our walk with Christ, and the person we happen to be. Rest assured though, that Christ is making you into a new creation. He is making you into the person he desires you to be. This is a life-long process. We are always in the process of becoming. So if you are not the person you want to be, and who is, continue to put your trust in Christ, and continue to build a closer relationship with him, and when you look back at your life, you will see just how far God has brought you.

Pic Of The Post

The pic of this post is an image that actually started as something totally different. It was a photo that I took. I can’t even remember what the photo was, but with some editing and manipulation, it is now and entirely different piece. It looks nothing like the original photo. It is a new creation. It is kind of like the scriptures say. “If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17. That is how it is when you come to Christ. You become a new creation. I’ve heard many times when people would say they want to come to Christ, but they have to get themselves together first. That’s like saying, you want to start going to the gym, but you have to get into shape first. Christ just asks you to come to him, just as you are. He will get you together, if you trust him.

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